Acnes Trio Activ Creamy Wash

Acnes Trio Activ Creamy Wash


Acnes Creamy Wash, with advance new Trio Activ formula of Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide and Zinc Gluconate provides ultimate pimple solution.

Salicylic Acid: Cleanse away excessive sebum, dead skin and dirt in skin pores. It clears skin and reduces pimple.

Niaciamide: Promote skin regeneration. It prevents pimple scar and dark spots, resulting smooth skin.

Zinc Gluconate: Control oil, anti-acne bacterial properties provide clear skin. It also prevents new pimple formation.

Price:  Rs 230 (50gm), Rs 380 (100gm), Rs. 520 (150gm)



Uses: Washing your face daily helps prevent acne.
Active Ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Niaciamide, Zinc Gluconate.
Usage guide: Wet your face, apply a sufficient amount of cleansing cream to your palms, lather and apply gently to your face. Rinse with water. Use several times a day.
Price:  Rs 230 (50gm), Rs 380 (100gm), Rs. 520 (150gm)